Sermon Notes 

Trusting God Through the Detours: A Look at Joseph
Genesis 37:1-11

Main Point

  • Life throws detours that can make us feel lost and confused, just like unexpected detours on GPS.
  • The story of Joseph in Genesis teaches us about trusting God's plan even when life takes detours.
  • Joseph had dreams of greatness, but his brothers betrayed him.
  • Despite the challenges, God's plan for Joseph unfolded in the end.


  • We can learn from Joseph to hold onto faith during detours by:
    • Embracing the detour
    • Holding onto God's promises
    • Remaining faithful
    • Trusting God's timing

As we move forward,

As we move forward, let us hold onto these truths: 
God's promises are unshakeable. Even when circumstances seem bleak, trust that He is working behind the scenes.
God's purpose for us is good. Even in the midst of suffering, He is shaping us to become who He needs us to be.
Our faith is a muscle that needs exercise. Doubt will come, but through prayer, scripture, and the church community, we can strengthen our trust in Him.

Action Items

  • Reflect on an area of your life where you need to trust God more.
  • Pray for strength to trust God during uncertain times.
  • Read more about Joseph in Genesis for further encouragement.